
Next Application Deadline: February 28, 2025

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2024 Kiwanis Scholarship Recipients

Pictured above from left: Jim Farmer, Chief Enrollment Officer for Shawnee State University; Ryleigh McDavid, Green; Lexie Morrow, Valley, and David Harting, Chair of the Kiwanis Scholarship committee. Not pictured are Kinslee McIlhenny, Green, and Trevor Fike, Portsmouth West.

Congratulations to our 2024 Kiwanis scholarship winners who were honored at our May 29 luncheon. Each awardee received $1,000 to assist with tuition at Shawnee State University during the 2024-25 school year. They include:

Kinslee McIlhenny, Green, plans to major in Education to become an Intervention Specialist.
Kinslee received the highest score which made her the recipient of the Honorable Judge Paul E. Fowler Kiwanis Scholarship. Find out more about Judge Fowler and his legacy HERE.

Trevor Fike, Portsmouth West, plans to major in Physical Therapy.

Lexie Morrow, Valley, plans to major in Nursing.

Ryleigh McDavid, Green, plans to major in Social Sciences.

Thank you to Scholarship Chair David Harting and his committee who scored the applicants and selected the winners. They include Jay Hash, Todd Medley, Misty Simco, Jeff Smith, and Matt Hammer.

About the Kiwanis Club of Portsmouth Scholarship Program

General Information

The Kiwanis Club of Portsmouth, Ohio, a part of the worldwide Kiwanis service organization, comprises men and women desiring personal involvement in the leadership and improvement of the Portsmouth community. The Kiwanis Club of Portsmouth performs local community service with a special emphasis on assistance to youth.

It is this special interest in area youth that has motivated the Kiwanis Club of Portsmouth to initiate a scholarship fund that provides an annual scholarship to deserving area students.

The Kiwanis Club of Portsmouth has been serving our area since its founding in 1921. Since that time we have had as our motto “We Build” and in this tradition we seek to assist, in yet another way, “to build” for the future, for the betterment of individual and community.

What the Scholarship Provides

The Kiwanis Scholarship is awarded each year by the Kiwanis Club of Portsmouth to qualified and deserving high school graduates of Scioto County schools desirous of pursuing coursework leading to a degree at Shawnee State University. The scholarship provides total funding of up to $1,000 during the first academic year that is paid directly to Shawnee State University on a semester basis.

Who is Eligible?

To be eligible to apply for the scholarship the student must meet the following conditions:

  1. The applicant must be a member of the graduating class in the year in which the award is presented.
  2. The applicant must reside in and be attending high school in Scioto County, Ohio.
  3. The applicant must rank scholastically in the top one-third of the graduating class.
  4. The applicant must be sincerely interested in a degree at Shawnee State University.

How do I apply?

1. Click on the button below (or scroll down) to complete the online application. You will need to click on the SUBMIT button at the end in order for us to receive your application. You should receive a confirmation that the application has been received, but if not, please email us at [email protected] for assistance.

2. The principal or guidance counselor must certify the eligibility of the applicant.

Certification may be done online at: Forward this link to your principal or guidance counselor and ask them to complete by February 28. If you want to find out if your certification of eligibility has been received, email us at [email protected].

3. Submit your high school transcript.

Email your transcript to [email protected]. If you are mailing a paper application (see step #5), include your transcript with the application.

4. Obtain recommendations from two references.

One of the references must be a member of the high school faculty or administrative staff, and the other must be a member of the community. Please send these individuals the following link to complete their recommendations online, and ask them to complete by February 28: If you want to find out if we have received your recommendation forms, email us at [email protected].

5. What if I don’t have online access?

Online applications are preferred but if not possible, hard copies may be sent by mail and must be postmarked by February 28 to the address listed at the bottom of the application. See links below to download hard copies of the application (includes certification of eligibility) and the reference form. Remember to include your transcript.

Application for Scholarship (Print one copy if needed.)
Reference Form (Print two copies if needed–one for faculty or staff, one for a community member.)

Who Awards the Scholarship?

The choice of the award winner each year is made by a scholarship committee of the Kiwanis Club of Portsmouth after reviewing the applications for the completeness of the application and two recommendation forms.

How the Scholarship Winners are Selected

  1. Fulfillment of the eligibility requirements as stated above including the recommendations from a high school or administrative staff and a community person.
  2. Review of personal and educational goals to reflect ability to meet requirements for college entrance, involvement in community service, and intention to complete an academic degree at Shawnee State University.
  3. The scholarship committee considers applications based on the above criteria and offers the scholarships in the order of the committee’s designation and the decision of the Kiwanis Scholarship Committee shall be final in the determination of all scholarship awards.

How the Scholarship is Paid to the Winner

When the winner registers as a full-time student, the treasurer of Shawnee State University credits the student’s account $500 per semester.

The scholarship is canceled if the student fails to maintain creditable scholastic and/or personal standing, transfers to a college or university other than Shawnee State University, fails to maintain a full-time status, or fails to provide proper documentation. If the student drops out of college, the scholarship committee reserves the right to determine whether the scholarship will be resumed.

Important Dates

  • February 28 — Deadline for all applications and recommendation materials to be filed with the Kiwanis Club Scholarship Committee at the address on the application or online using the application form below.
  • Mid-April — The scholarship is announced. (The scholarship committee reserves the right to adjust these dates as necessary.) Plans will be made for Kiwanis to present at the winner’s school scholarship awards event/assembly.
  • First Wednesday in May — The winners and their parents will be invited to a club membership lunch meeting to receive their scholarship.

Scholarship Application

  • Enter your full name.
  • What type of phone number did you provide?
  • List all high schools attended with addresses and dates attended.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • List all organizations and your role, if applicable, including any offices held.
  • List all community activities and your role, including any offices held.
