
Membership Growth and Education Committee

This committee serves to encourage growth, awards, recognition, retention, and education of members. Duties: New member election, transfer of membership, the orientation of new members, membership honors and awards recognition, membership concerns, club assessment of members, sponsorship of new Kiwanis clubs, the public recognition of club members and club achievements, and such other duties as may be assigned by the Board.

Members: Jay Hash (Chair), Jeff Smith, Sharon Carver, & Derek Brown

Program Administration Committee

This committee serves to coordinate all club meetings and special events. Duties: Speakers, reception, interclub meetings, spiritual aims, music and singing, holiday events, meeting equipment and supplies necessary for members, and such other duties as may be assigned by the Board. The President-Elect shall chair this committee. Twelve people will be asked to find programs for a year.

Members: Jamie Colley (Chair), Dick Grimm (Interclub), Gary Albrecht (Setup), Roger Drake (Setup), & Al Oliver (Spiritual Aims)

Community Services Committee

This committee serves to address community needs and requests, acts to promote Kiwanis values, develops serviceable citizenship and works within approved budget of funding. Duties: Reviews requests, determines need for Kiwanis services, public relations, coordinates playground maintenance, and responds to identified needs and such other duties as may be assigned by the Board.

Members: Al Oliver (Co-Chair), Matt Hammer (Co-Chair), Gary Albrecht, & Larry Mullins

Special Projects Committee

This committee identifies and supports existing special projects. Duties: Identifies new projects and provides leadership to advance the goals of Kiwanis in the community and worldwide, including the worldwide projects as identified by Kiwanis International, and such other duties as may be assigned by the Board.

Service Leadership (Youth Services) Committee

This committee coordinates all youth-centered activities including Sponsored Youth, Key Clubs, Circle K Clubs, Young Children Priority One (YCPO), student scholarship oversight and coordination. Duties: Insures structure, membership oversight, determines funding budget, reports activities to membership and embodies the Kiwanian values in all youth activities, and such other duties as may be assigned by the Board. Advisors of this committee are required to have a clear background check as prescribed by Kiwanis International.

Members: Angie Duduit (Chair), Jamie Colley (Clay HS), Misty Simco (East), Sharon Carver (Portsmouth West), Todd Medley (Notre Dame Key Club & Builders Club), Kara Tieman (Wheelersburg), Jay Hash (Portsmouth), and Ginny Dyer (Green).

Finance Ways and Means Committee

This committee acts to provide oversight and coordination of all financial planning and funding of club activities including current fundraisers and potential activities. Coordinates annual financial review at direction of the club officers and Board. Identifies new fundraising activities, assists committee chairs and officers with administration and program budget preparation, and such other duties as may be assigned by the Board.

Members: Todd Medley (Chair), Wayne Kempf, & Bill Ogg

By Laws & Amendments Committee

This committee reviews and provides direction to maintain the Kiwanis International written structure and to define local club policy and practice. Reviews and makes recommendations for By Law changes to remain current with club policy, practice and organizational alignment with Kiwanis International, and such other duties as may be assigned by the Board.

Members: Sharon Carver (Co-Chair), Wayne Kempf (Co-Chair), Jamie Colley, & Roger Drake

Kiwanis Scholarship Committee

This committee serves to coordinate the annual scholarship selections and awards. Duties: Planning, communication, promotion, execution and/or awards to students of Shawnee State University, teachers, and parents. The committee will provide financial oversight as needed.

Members: David Harting (Chair), Matt Hammer, Jeff Smith, Todd Medley, and Marlo Ridout

Publicity Committee

This committee serves to communicate news and information to Kiwanis members and the general public. Duties: Generation and publication of The Rambler newsletter, maintenance and updates of the Kiwanis website and Facebook page, issuance of news releases to local media, and such duties as may be assigned.

Members: Angie Duduit (Chair), Misty Simco, Makenzie Gruber, Shawn Jordan, & Larry Mullins.

Pancake Festival Committee

This committee serves to coordinate the annual Pancake Day fundraiser community event. Duties: Planning, communication, promotion. The committee will provide financial oversight and work with the Treasurer for supplies, sales, and expenses as needed. This is a Special Projects Committee and will meet when relevant to the event.

Members: Kara Tieman (Co-Chair), Matt Hammer (Co-Chair), Barb Schmidt, Megan Gleadle, & Sharon Carver

Annual Kids Day at Tracy Park Committee

This committee acts to coordinate and execute the signature event of service to the youth of our community. Planning, communication, promotion, and volunteer communication are determined here. The committee will provide financial oversight and work with the Treasurer for supply needs and expenses. This is a Special Projects Committee and will meet when relevant to the event.

Members: Dan DeLotell (Co-Chair), K.C. Rase (Co-Chair), Wayne Kempf, & Ginny Dyer.
