Key Clubs and Builder Clubs

The Kiwanis Club of Portsmouth sponsors Key Clubs at seven high schools in Scioto County: Clay, Portsmouth, Notre Dame, East, Wheelersburg, West, and Green. We also sponsor the Builders Club at Notre Dame Junior High.

We appreciate their support of our Cool Kids Read campaign to promote literacy in our area, as well as our annual Kids Day event and Fall Ribfest.

Here are just a few examples of the great work they are doing:

– Community beautification

– Blood drives

– Canned food drives

– Partnering with local community agencies to help children in need

– Ringing bells for the Salvation Army

– Working school concession stands

– Bake sales and breakfast carts to raise money

– Diaper and wipe drives

– Cleaning up football stadiums after games

– Raising money to pay for meals for families in need

– Toy drives

If your high school is interested in forming a Key Club, contact Angie Duduit, our Service Leadership (Youth Services) Chair at [email protected].

Clay Key Club

Faculty Advisor: Crystal Everman

Kiwanis Advisor: Jamie Colley

Pictured above from left are: Crystal Everman, Clay Key Club Advisor; Dan DeLotell, Kiwanis President; Tristan Large, President; Kara Tieman, Kiwanis President-Elect; Marley Fraback, Media Coordinator; Laney Fife, Secretary; Macyn Johnson, Treasurer; and Jamie Colley, Kiwanis Club Advisor for Clay. Sarah Cassidy, Vice President, is not pictured.

Portsmouth Key Club

Faculty Advisor: Vacant

Kiwanis Advisor: Vacant

No picture is available.

Notre Dame Key Club

Faculty Advisor: Charli Montavon

Kiwanis Advisor: Todd Medley

The Notre Dame Key Club is pictured above following its initiation ceremony to welcome new members and recognize returning members on Sunday, September 15, 2024. This club, which is 57 members strong, has been active for 16 years. Charli Montavon (pictured below, center) is in her fourth year as school advisor. Todd Medley (below right) serves as our club advisor to both the Notre Dame Key Club and Builders Club. Our incoming president, Dan DeLotell (below left), served as a guest speaker at the initiation ceremony.

Pictured above, front row, from left: Ryan Purcell, Treasurer; Aleza Smith, Public Relations; Addie West President; Taylor Lasswell, Vice President; Daynna Fuentes, Secretary; and Caroline Mauk Service Coordinator. Pictured back row, from left: Todd Medley, Kiwanis Club Advisor for Notre Dame; Dan DeLotell, Kiwanis President; Kara Tieman, Kiwanis President-Elect; and Charli Montavon, Notre Dame Key Club Advisor.

East Key Club

Faculty Advisor: Hannah Newman

Kiwanis Advisor: Misty Simco

No picture is available.

Wheelersburg Key Club

Faculty Advisors: Christina Thomas & Linda Oppy

Kiwanis Advisor: Kara Tieman

Pictured above, front row, from left: Ryan Purcell, Treasurer; Aleza Smith, Public Relations; Addie West President; Taylor Lasswell, Vice President; Daynna Fuentes, Secretary; and Caroline Mauk Service Coordinator. Pictured back row, from left: Todd Medley, Kiwanis Club Advisor for Notre Dame; Dan DeLotell, Kiwanis President; Kara Tieman, Kiwanis President-Elect; and Charli Montavon, Notre Dame Key Club Advisor.

West Key Club

Faculty Advisor: Carolyn Callihan

Kiwanis Advisor: Sharon Carver

Pictured above from left are Jamie Colley, Kiwanis President; Trevor Fike, President of West Key Club; Kayden Bentley, Vice President; Riley Fuller, Secretary; and Carolyn Callihan, West Advisor. Treasurer Corbin Miller is not pictured.

Green Key Club

Faculty Advisor: Sara Fannin

Kiwanis Advisor: Ginny Dyer

Pictured above from left are: Dan DeLotell, Kiwanis President-Elect; Sara Fannin, Green School Advisor; Jon Bailey, Green Key Club Member; Morgan Caruthers, Secretary; Kinslee McIlhenny, President; Ryleigh McDavid, Member; Kaytlin Lawson, Vice President and Bella Fannin, Treasurer.

Notre Dame Builders Club

Faculty Advisor: Andrea Willis

Kiwanis Advisor: Todd Medley

Pictured above from left are: Todd Medley, Kiwanis Club Advisor for Notre Dame; Melissa Martin, Notre Dame Builders Club Advisor; Juan Fuentes, Vice President; Dan DeLotell, Kiwanis President; Carson Bowling, President; Kara Tieman, Kiwanis President-Elect; Eli Bowling (Treasurer), and Lily Kielmar (Secretary).
