Circle K


(Click on each one below for more information about the services they provide.)

Pictured above from left: Leviticus Justice (Treasurer), Grace Smith (Vice President), Makayla Aiken (President), Destiny Payne, Alaina Collins, and Maggie Siley.

Circle K Wins Awards
at 2024 District Conference

Congratulations to the members of Circle K International at Shawnee State University! They won three awards at the Governor’s Banquet on February 17 at the 2024 Ohio District CKI convention. President Makayla Aiken received second place for the Outstanding President Award, and the club was named the Most Improved Club Award for District Involvement. In addition, they received third place for the Single Service Award.

See all awards our club has won at DCON HERE.

Join Circle K International
at Shawnee State University!

Our 2023-24 Circle K Executive Board

Pictured from left are Angie Duduit, Shawnee State Advisor; Olivia Holsinger, Secretary; Carissa Link, Ceremonies; Makayla Aiken, President; Grace Smith, Vice President; Leviticus Justice, Treasurer; and Madison Dean, Recruitment. Kaylee Christian, Bulletin Editor, is not pictured.

Join Circle K!

Are you interested in gaining valuable leadership skills that will be an asset to you as you progress in your chosen career path?

Are you a Shawnee State student who is interested in participating in community service activities to better your community?

Are you interested in gaining volunteer/community service hours to put on your resume?

Are you interested in being part of a club where you can fellowship with other Shawnee State University students who are focused on the betterment of the community?

Did you participate in Key Club in high school?

If you answered “YES” to any of these questions, then our award-winning Circle K International would be the perfect club for you to join!

Shawnee State University has a Circle K International Club sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Portsmouth. If you are an SSU student and are interested in joining, please email President Makayla Aiken at [email protected] or SSU Advisor Angie Duduit at [email protected]. Follow Circle K on Facebook HERE and on Instagram HERE.

Circle K inspires people to better our world. Its motto, the same as Kiwanis International, is “Live to Serve, Love to Serve.” Circle K provides constructive opportunities for students to become involved on their campuses and communities through service work to others in need.

Giving the Gift of Warmth

Circle K members sorted nearly 900 hats and gloves to children in the Steven Hunter Power Pack program as part of our “Giving the Gift of Warmth” project in early 2023.

Paws-4-A-Cause — Pet Food Drive

Paws-4-A-Cause was a huge success in the fall of 2023! We are so grateful for the chance to meet and help these great animals (all up for adoption) at Sierra’s Haven! Thank you to the Clay and Wheelersburg Key Clubs and SSU students for your donations!

Weekend of Welcome

Recruiting new members at the 2023 Weekend of Welcome

Pictured from left are Alexis Hart, Madison Dean, and Makayla Aiken.
